Our Values

We strive to provide the highest quality legal services, based on profound knowledge and experience. We believe that honesty, trust, and respect are essential in our relationships with clients and colleagues. Our values guide us in every situation to effectively protect our clients’ interests and achieve the best possible results for them.

Anticipate clients' needs.

We listen attentively to our clients in order to understand their business and culture. This allows us to acquire knowledge that enables us to anticipate our clients’ needs and provide proactive advice.

Communicate in the language of business, not in legal terms.

Our clients expect clear and specific advice, not lengthy demonstrations of our legal knowledge. We communicate in a way that’s understandable for business, not in legal jargon.

Walk in your clients' shoes.

We treat our clients’ challenges as if they were our own. We think and speak in terms of “we,” not “you.”

Be a good advisor, not just an effective lawyer.

Our clients expect from us not only knowledge of the law but also the role of trusted advisors. We aim to build genuine partnerships, and we provide advice in accordance with principles of honesty and sincerity.

Find solutions; don't just spot problems.

Our clients expect answers to business questions. We not only identify problems, but we also help to solve them and prevent similar ones in the future.

Important to us

As socially engaged lawyers, we respect the values of a democratic rule of law. That’s why we believe in the supremacy of law over politics, equality before the law, and its certainty. We believe that democracy is the foundation of freedom, equality, and social justice. We strive to maintain and strengthen democratic principles based on respect for human rights, freedom of speech and expression, fair elections, and equal access to decisions and resources. We are convinced that the protection of democratic values is key to building a society in which every voice is heard, and individuals have a real impact on their lives and the surrounding reality.

We recognize that our actions impact ecosystems, nature, and future generations. That’s why we engage in activities aimed at minimizing our negative impact on the environment, promoting sustainable development, and taking specific actions for nature conservation. We believe that caring for our environment is our moral duty and the key to ensuring a healthy and sustainable future for all of us.

Placing importance on female leadership is extremely crucial to us. We believe that diversity and gender equality are key elements in building a strong team and achieving success. We promote and support female leadership because we believe that the voice and perspective of women are essential for making accurate decisions, creating innovative solutions, and building harmonious relationships. We respect and appreciate the contributions of women in business, science, politics, and other fields, as they enrich our community with a diversity of experiences and skills. We are committed to creating equal opportunities and building an atmosphere in which women can develop their talents, achieve successes, and inspire the next generations.

We are dedicated to the protection of animal rights. We believe there is a moral obligation to care for the wellbeing and rights of all living beings. Every animal deserves respect, care, and a decent life. Our work focuses on raising public awareness, promoting ethical treatment of animals, and combating abuses and cruelty towards them. Our determination stems from the belief that ensuring the protection of animal rights contributes to building a more equitable and empathetic society, where every being can enjoy dignity and safety.

Supporting war refugees from Ukraine is important to us. We firmly believe in the importance of aiding those who are forced to leave their homes due to conflict. Solidarity and compassion compel us to engage in actions aimed at alleviating suffering and providing support to those in need. Through our efforts, we aim to convey that nobody should be left alone in the face of such difficult circumstances, and our social commitment to help is a manifestation of our values and solidarity with those affected by conflict. We also recognize the importance of solidarity and support for Ukraine in its efforts for sovereignty, democracy, and reforms after the war’s end. This is not only morally right but also crucial for ensuring stability and security in the Euro-Atlantic region.

We are convinced that the use of new technologies by specialists is crucial for our development. New technologies bring advanced tools and innovative solutions, enabling us to achieve higher levels of efficiency, precision, and creativity. Their application also allows us to better adapt to the dynamically changing world and customer expectations. Therefore, we continually expand our knowledge and skills to be fully engaged in using modern technologies.

A strong team

We believe in the power of teamwork. Creating a strong team is key to the success of any enterprise. We are proud to have such a team, in which each member brings unique talents, experience, and passion.

A strong team is not just the sum of individual skills, but above all, it is about cooperation, mutual support, and trust. Together, we can overcome the most challenging obstacles and achieve goals that we would not be able to accomplish individually.

Building a strong team provides us with a robust foundation for achieving outstanding results and forming lasting relationships. We take pride in our team and know that together, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

The specialist-client relationship

A well-established relationship between the specialist and the client allows us to better understand the client’s needs and expectations. Communication becomes more effective, and we can tailor our actions and solutions to specific requirements, leading to greater client satisfaction.

Good relationships foster long-term cooperation, meaning that we can better understand the client’s specificity, their industry, and the challenges they face. As a result, we can deliver more personalized and effective solutions, contributing to achieving better results.

Our priority is to build trust, actively listen, and understand the client’s needs to provide the best support and solutions. We take pride in the valuable relationships we forge with our clients and know that they are key to our mutual success.