
Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

Our legal group provides professional legal services in the field of anti-money laundering. We consciously take on complex cases, helping clients understand and adhere to stringent regulations and standards in this area.

Our team of experts collaborates with clients to identify potential risks and develop effective management strategies for them. In case of disputes, we represent our clients, offering comprehensive legal support based on a thorough understanding of domestic and international law.

We strive to protect the rights and interests of our clients while assisting them in maintaining legal compliance and avoiding negative consequences associated with violating anti-money laundering regulations. Our services are built upon honest assessment, discretion, and excellent customer service.

  • Compliance Audit: We conduct compliance audits for clients to assess their adherence to anti-money laundering regulations. We analyze policies, procedures, and internal systems, identifying potential risks and security gaps.
  • Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering Program: We assist clients in developing and implementing anti-money laundering programs tailored to their industry’s specificities and risks. We create policies, procedures, employee training, and monitor the effectiveness of implemented solutions.
  • Employee Training: We organize training sessions for clients’ employees to raise awareness about anti-money laundering procedures and their roles in preventing such activities. We educate them on recognizing irregularities and suspicious transactions.
  • Transaction Monitoring: We offer transaction monitoring services to clients, aiming to detect suspicious operations and ensure compliance with regulations. We analyze data, identify anomalies, and support clients in reporting potential suspicious cases.
  • Legal Consultation and Regulatory Collaboration: We provide clients with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services related to anti-money laundering. We assist in communication and collaboration with regulatory bodies such as the Financial Supervision Commission or the General Inspectorate of Financial Information.

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