
Public Procurement

We specialize in public procurement law, providing comprehensive assistance at every stage of the process – from preparing offers to representing clients in disputes. Our team of lawyers has extensive experience in the field of public procurement, both at the national and European levels.

We help our clients understand complex legal regulations and effectively manage risks while optimizing their business strategies. In case of disputes, we represent our clients at all stages of proceedings, always striving for the most favorable outcome.

Our goal is to provide legal certainty and operational efficiency in the realm of public procurement.

  • Legal Advisory: We provide clients with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services regarding public procurement regulations. We assist in interpreting public procurement laws and implementing effective strategies and solutions in compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Documentation Preparation: We assist clients in preparing comprehensive documentation related to public procurement procedures. We develop technical specifications, contract terms, evaluation criteria, and other necessary documents, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
  • Representation in Proceedings: We represent clients in public procurement proceedings before contracting authorities and administrative courts. We provide legal support at every stage of the process, including bid submissions, negotiations, and in case of disputes and appeals.
  • Audit and Process Control: We conduct audits and process controls related to public procurement. We analyze clients’ documentation and procedures, verifying their compliance with public procurement laws. We assist in identifying potential risks and shortcomings and recommend corrective actions.

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