
Portfolio Sales

Our specialists provide comprehensive services related to the sale of an investment portfolio. We understand that each portfolio sale transaction requires an individualized approach and precise analysis, and above all, an understanding of our Clients’ business strategies.

We deal with the sale of both debt and investment portfolios, offering comprehensive services at every stage of the transaction process. We prepare all necessary documents, represent Clients during negotiations, and provide advice regarding transaction structure, minimizing legal and tax risks. We have experience in coordinating due diligence processes and in developing and negotiating portfolio sale agreements.

We prioritize effectiveness, professionalism, and an individualized approach to each Client, ensuring support at the highest level.

  • Assessment and Valuation of Portfolio: We conduct an assessment and valuation of the client’s portfolio, analyzing the value of individual assets, growth potential, and market prospects. We provide clients with detailed reports and recommendations regarding sales strategies.
  • Development of Sales Strategy: We assist clients in developing a portfolio sales strategy, taking into account financial goals, client preferences, and market conditions. We provide advice on timing, methods, and channels of sale to achieve optimal results.
  • Preparation of Transaction Documentation: We draft comprehensive transaction documentation for the portfolio sale process, including sales agreements, due diligence agreements, confidentiality agreements, and other necessary documents.
  • Negotiations and Representation in Transactions: We represent clients in negotiations related to portfolio sales, both with potential buyers and other transaction parties. Our aim is to achieve favorable sales terms and protect the client’s interests.
  • Ownership Transition and Post-Sale Support: We provide support to clients in the ownership transition process following the portfolio sale, including managing legal and administrative formalities, representing clients in interactions with authorities and institutions, and offering post-sale services if required.

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