

Our legal group offers comprehensive services related to succession – both in private and business contexts. We are aware of how delicate and complex issues regarding the transfer of assets and power to the next generations can be.

In the case of family succession, we assist in preparing comprehensive plans that consider various scenarios and take into account the rights and expectations of all parties involved. For entrepreneurs, we provide advice on business succession, helping to ensure the continuity of company operations and minimize the risk of internal conflicts.

Our team of experienced lawyers will prepare all necessary documents, such as wills, gift agreements, or life estate agreements, and also represent clients during court proceedings. We always operate with the utmost respect for the privacy and interests of our clients.

  • Succession Planning: We assist clients in planning the transfer of assets and business management to the next generation. We analyze various succession options such as family transfer, sale, asset division, and others, and develop succession strategies tailored to the client’s individual needs.
  • Preparation of Wills and Succession Agreements: We help clients in drafting wills and succession agreements to ensure the transfer of assets according to their intentions. We customize documents to comply with applicable legal regulations and consider the client’s specific requirements.
  • Tax Advisory: We provide tax advisory services related to succession, helping clients minimize tax burdens associated with asset transfer. We analyze tax aspects and propose optimal solutions in line with current regulations.
  • Registration and Transfer of Ownership: We offer support in the registration and transfer of ownership to new owners. We handle legal and administrative formalities related to the transfer of property ownership, shares in companies, and other assets.
  • Mediation and Dispute Resolution: We represent clients in mediations and dispute resolution processes related to succession. Our aim is to achieve agreements and resolve conflicts efficiently and in the best interests of all parties.

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