
Venture Capital

Our legal group offers comprehensive services related to the venture capital market, which is an essential component of financing innovative early-stage enterprises. We provide support for both venture capital funds and enterprises seeking funding.

Our services encompass advisory in transaction structuring, preparation of investment agreements, and negotiation of investment terms. We possess experience in crafting and implementing intricate legal structures that take into account the specifics of the venture capital market and legal regulations. Leveraging our experience and broad network, we can aid in identifying suitable partners for investment realization.

We operate proactively, providing not only legal services but also strategic business advice. We foster innovation and contribute to the development of the venture capital market in Poland.

Our funding partner is Pendragon Ventures.

  • Project Research and Analysis: We conduct research and analysis of investment projects, evaluating their growth potential, risks, and profitability. We assist clients in selecting the best investment opportunities in line with their strategy and goals.
  • Startups and New Ventures Financing: We provide financing services for startups and new ventures, offering financial resources for development, expansion, research, and product development. We assist in developing business plans and preparing financing applications.
  • Investment Management: We offer professional venture capital investment management, monitoring and supporting the growth of investment portfolios. We strive to achieve maximum value for our clients and provide business support within the scope of our investments.
  • Investment Due Diligence: We conduct detailed due diligence investigations before making investments, assessing the business, financial, and legal potential of ventures. We deliver comprehensive reports and recommendations to guide investment decisions.
  • Business Partnerships: We support our clients in establishing strategic business partnerships, connecting startups with investors, mentors, and industry experts. We assist in negotiations, contract creation, and building beneficial business relationships.

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