
Special Team

Our Special Affairs team focuses on handling the most complex and unique cases that require an individual approach and specialized knowledge. Through a combination of multidisciplinary experience, innovative thinking, and a deep understanding of our clients’ businesses, we’re able to effectively tackle non-standard challenges.

Whether it’s highly intricate legal matters or unique business transactions, our team offers comprehensive support, delivering legal services at the highest level.

Our services encompass analysis, strategy development, and implementation, while maintaining close collaboration with the client throughout the process. The Special Affairs team is prepared to meet even the most challenging tasks, always aiming to achieve the best outcome for our clients.

  • Legal Research and Analysis: We conduct in-depth legal research to identify potential risks and legal issues. We analyze documents, contracts, and legal regulations, assess compliance with applicable laws, and provide comprehensive reports and recommendations.
  • Strategic Consulting: We offer support in making strategic business decisions. Our team of lawyers and legal advisors provides expert guidance on restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, market expansion, foreign investments, and other strategic matters.
  • Negotiations and Mediations: We represent clients in negotiations and mediations, both in business and individual cases. Our team is trained in effective negotiation and mediation techniques to achieve favorable agreements and conflict resolutions.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: We assist in protecting clients’ intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. We provide advice on the registration and enforcement of intellectual property rights, as well as in cases of disputes related to infringements.
  • Compliance and Risk Management: We provide support in creating and implementing compliance systems that help clients adhere to relevant regulations and minimize legal risks. We conduct legal audits, create policies and procedures, offer staff training, and provide risk management advice.

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Our Team

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