
Public Sector

Our experts provide comprehensive legal support for public sector institutions at the local, regional, and national levels. Our understanding of the specifics of the public sector and the legal regulations that apply to it enables us to effectively advise our clients on a variety of legal issues.

We handle both representation in legal proceedings and legal compliance advisory. We specialize in areas such as public procurement, administrative law, education law, public health law, and local government law.

We ensure that our services are tailored to the specific needs of each client, considering the challenges posed by the dynamically changing legal environment. Our mission is to assist public institutions in effectively serving the communities they represent by providing them with a solid legal foundation for their actions.

  • Legal advisory for public administration bodies: We provide comprehensive legal advisory services for public administration bodies, including legal procedure advice, drafting legal acts, assessing compliance with legal regulations, analyzing legal-administrative risks, and other advisory services.
  • Protection of public interests: We represent public administration bodies in matters related to the protection of public interests. We offer support in conducting administrative proceedings, resolving administrative disputes, pursuing compensation claims, and other services related to safeguarding public interests.
  • Preparation and analysis of public-law contracts: We assist public administration bodies in preparing and analyzing public-law contracts, such as public procurement agreements, concession agreements, public-private partnership agreements, and other contracts related to the public sector.
  • Data protection: We advise public administration bodies on data protection in accordance with applicable legal regulations. We assist in preparing privacy policies, analyzing risks related to personal data processing, and representing public bodies in cases related to data protection breaches.
  • Court and arbitration proceedings: We represent public administration bodies in court and arbitration proceedings, both as plaintiffs and defendants. We provide support in pursuing claims, defending against claims, negotiating settlements, and other legal matters related to the public sector.

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