
Transport and Logistics

Specializing in transportation and logistics law, we offer comprehensive services for companies within the transportation and logistics industry. Our experts provide advice on matters related to carriage contracts, cargo and safety regulations, as well as issues concerning cargo insurance and liability for delays.

We work closely with our clients to help them negotiate contracts, navigate regulatory obstacles, and resolve disputes. Additionally, our practice covers legal aspects related to warehousing, distribution, and various modes of transportation: maritime, aviation, rail, and road.

We are dedicated to accelerating business by assisting clients in navigating the complex legal landscape of the transportation and logistics industry.

  • Transport Advisory: We provide comprehensive legal advisory in the field of transportation, including advice on legal regulations concerning road, rail, air, and maritime transport. We assist in interpreting regulations, obtaining licenses and permits, as well as resolving issues related to transportation.
  • Transport Contracts: We draft transport contracts for our clients, such as freight agreements, carriage contracts, charter agreements, and other contracts related to transportation services. We advise on contractual negotiations and represent our clients in disputes related to transport agreements.
  • Interests Protection in Logistics: We offer legal support in logistics, including advisory on logistics agreements, supply chain management, transport insurance, liability for logistic services, and other matters related to logistic operations.
  • Administrative and Regulatory Proceedings: We represent clients in administrative and regulatory proceedings related to transport and logistics. We provide support in obtaining permits, licenses, vehicle registrations, and other regulatory issues concerning the transport sector.
  • Dispute Resolution: We provide services in resolving disputes related to transport and logistics. We represent clients in court proceedings, arbitration, and mediation. We assist in pursuing claims, reaching settlements, resolving contractual disputes, and other legal matters related to transport and logistics.

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