
Video Games

We specialize in the Gamedev sector, providing services for game developers, publishers, and other entities operating in this dynamic industry. We are experts in legal issues related to game development, including licensing agreements, copyrights, intellectual property protection, and regulations concerning privacy and data protection.

We assist our clients in negotiating contracts, managing intellectual property rights, ensuring compliance with legal regulations, and representing them in court and arbitration disputes.

We support clients in every stage of the game creation process – from conception, through development, to publishing and release in the market.

  • Legal Advisory for the Gaming Industry: We provide comprehensive legal advisory services for companies and creators in the gaming industry. We assist in the establishment and registration of gamedev companies, analyze and provide guidance on regulatory matters, copyrights, and intellectual property related to game production and publishing.
  • Licensing and Publishing Agreements: We draft and negotiate licensing and publishing agreements for computer games. We offer thorough analysis and guidance on legal aspects of licensing agreements, including terms of content usage, copyright protection, and intellectual property.
  • Protection of Copyrights: We offer advice on protecting copyright for computer games. We assist in copyright registration and enforcement, including monitoring and pursuing copyright infringements and resolving legal disputes.
  • Contracts with Developers and Artists: We create agreements with developers, programmers, designers, and other creators involved in game production. We provide comprehensive legal support in contract negotiations, risk analysis, and safeguards for our clients.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We offer guidance on compliance with legal regulations concerning the gamedev industry, including personal data protection, consumer protection, and fair play principles in online games. We help clients align their activities with legal regulations, avoiding potential legal consequences.

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