
Bailiff Executions

We specialize in providing legal services related to debt recovery. We offer comprehensive and effective solutions for individuals and businesses facing difficulties in recovering their claims. Our experience encompasses both judicial enforcement and enforcement by bailiffs, as well as securing claims during court proceedings.

We take proactive actions on behalf of our clients, including drafting enforcement applications, monitoring the progress of enforcement, and negotiating with debtors. We prioritize efficiency and attention to detail, enabling us to effectively pursue our clients’ rights. We provide professional advice and assistance at every stage of the process, ensuring transparency and clarity of actions.

Our goal is not only to recover debts but also to safeguard our clients’ interests throughout the enforcement process.

  • Judicial Enforcement: We represent clients in enforcement proceedings conducted by a court-appointed bailiff. We aim to recover owed amounts, properties, or other assets based on court judgments or enforceable titles.
  • Bank Account Seizure: We assist clients in asserting claims through the seizure of a debtor’s bank accounts. We carry out the necessary procedures to freeze and access funds held in the debtor’s bank accounts.
  • Property Seizure: We represent clients in enforcement proceedings aimed at satisfying claims through the attachment, valuation, or sale of the debtor’s property. We strive to secure owed amounts by executing property seizures.
  • Salary Garnishment: We help clients recover owed amounts through wage garnishment. We initiate appropriate procedures to seize a portion of the debtor’s salary for the benefit of the client.
  • Seizure of Other Assets: In cases where the debtor possesses other assets such as vehicles, machinery, stocks, or property rights, we conduct enforcement proceedings to satisfy the client’s claims by seizing and potentially selling these assets.

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