
Trade Secret

We understand that trade secrets can be a vital component of your company’s intellectual property. We offer advisory services for the identification, protection, and maintenance of trade secrets, both domestically and internationally.

Our services encompass preparing and negotiating confidentiality agreements, non-compete agreements, and agreements for the transfer of rights to employee inventions. In the event of trade secret breaches, we are prepared to take effective legal actions, including litigation, to safeguard your interests.

Considering the dynamic nature of business, we tailor our solutions to meet the individual needs of each client, ensuring the highest quality of service and legal protection.

  • Trade Secret Protection Advisory: We provide clients with comprehensive advisory services regarding the protection of their trade secrets. We assist in identifying information covered by trade secrets, determining appropriate safeguards and procedures, and enforcing protection against unauthorized disclosure.
  • Development of Confidentiality Agreements: We draft non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and agreements for the protection of trade secrets that regulate both external and internal relations involving trade secrets. We ensure that agreements are tailored to the client’s needs and provide effective trade secret protection.
  • Employee Training and Education: We organize training and education for employees on trade secret protection. We help clients raise awareness among employees about the significance of trade secrets, ensure understanding of relevant procedures and principles, and inform them about the consequences of trade secret violations.
  • Monitoring and Detection of Violations: We monitor the market to detect potential trade secret violations by competitors or third parties. We act in defense of the client’s interests and take legal action in case of trade secret breaches.
  • Dispute Resolution: We represent clients in judicial and non-judicial disputes related to trade secret violations. We strive to protect the client’s interests and pursue claims for trade secret infringements.

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