
Strategic Alternatives

Our specialists assist startups in devising alternative strategies that match the dynamics of their sector and help them achieve their business goals.

Understanding the challenges that young companies face, we provide practical legal advice on structuring, financing, intellectual property, as well as potential investment exit scenarios. We also support in negotiation and contract processes, offering guidance in the context of strategic alliances, partnerships, or mergers.

Our mission is to deliver legal solutions that foster innovation and the agility of startups, while safeguarding their interests and minimizing legal risks.

  • Legal Advisory: We provide startups with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services related to alternative development strategies. We assist in evaluating and selecting optimal legal structures, such as partnerships, corporations, venture capital funds, and franchise models.
  • Negotiations and Contract Drafting: We aid in negotiations and drafting of partnership, investment, licensing, and other commercial agreements that facilitate the effective implementation of alternative startup development strategies.
  • Financing: We offer guidance on alternative sources of funding for startups, including venture capital funds, crowdfunding, angel investments, and grant programs. We assist in documentation preparation, applications, and support startups in the fundraising process.
  • International Expansion: We provide support for startups’ international expansion, including advising on entry strategies into foreign markets, international law, intellectual property protection, and regulations concerning foreign trade.
  • Intellectual Property Strategies: We assist startups in managing their intellectual property portfolios. We offer services related to trademark registration, patents, copyrights, and industrial designs. We provide support in identifying and protecting valuable intellectual property assets.

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