
Property Tax

Thanks to our in-depth understanding of both the technical aspects of tax law and the unique characteristics of the real estate market, we offer comprehensive tax advisory services for property owners, developers, investors, and property managers.

We assist our clients in optimizing their tax burdens, including ensuring accurate tax assessments and effectively appealing unfavorable decisions. When disputes are inevitable, we represent our clients at all stages of the tax dispute, from negotiations and mediations to court proceedings.

Our services are tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, safeguarding their financial and legal interests.

  • Tax Advisory: We provide comprehensive tax advisory services regarding property taxation, including analysis and assessment of tax implications, identification of tax reliefs and deductions, and optimization of tax structure.
  • Tax Calculation: We assist clients in calculating and determining property taxes, such as real estate tax, agricultural tax, commercial property tax, land tax, and more.
  • Preparation of Tax Declarations: We offer support in preparing and filing property-related tax declarations, ensuring compliance with applicable tax regulations.
  • Monitoring Tax Changes: We monitor ongoing changes in property tax regulations and inform clients about significant updates and their impact on property taxation.
  • Representation Before Tax Authorities: We represent clients in property-related tax matters, including tax audits, appeal proceedings, negotiations with tax authorities, and more.

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