

Specializing in the field of BioTech, we offer comprehensive legal and business services in the realm of biotechnology.

We provide professional assistance in regulatory affairs, intellectual property, corporate transactions, as well as litigation matters. Our services encompass support for both biotech startups and guidance for experienced companies within this sector. We are aware of the dynamic nature of the BioTech industry and the intricate regulatory landscape, which is why our lawyers consistently monitor changing regulations and trends in the field.

Our experience in biotechnology enables us to effectively manage risk, develop innovative solutions, and translate scientific innovations into commercial successes.

  • Legal Advisory in BioTech: We provide clients with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services related to activities in the biotechnology industry. We assist in the establishment and registration of biopharmaceutical companies, analyze and provide advice on regulatory matters and compliance with laws regarding clinical trials, intellectual property protection, patents, product registrations, and other aspects of biotechnological operations.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: We assist in safeguarding the intellectual property of clients operating in the BioTech sector. We provide guidance in patent, trademark, and industrial design registrations, as well as drafting licensing and transfer agreements. We ensure comprehensive protection and management of clients’ intellectual property in the field of biotechnology.
  • Research and Development Agreements: We draft and negotiate research and development agreements for clients in the BioTech industry. We aid in establishing collaboration terms, intellectual property safeguards, utilization of research results, and dispute resolution. Our team of lawyers specializes in negotiating research contracts and ensures that agreements comply with applicable legal regulations.
  • Regulatory Affairs: We offer advice on regulatory matters related to the production, registration, and distribution of biotechnological products. We assist in obtaining necessary permits and certificates, implementing compliance procedures, and monitoring changes in regulations governing the BioTech sector. Our team keeps track of the latest trends and regulations in the industry to provide clients with current and effective advice.
  • Transactions and Investments: We advise clients in the BioTech industry on transactions and investments. We assist in fundraising, negotiation of investment agreements, mergers, acquisitions, and sales. We provide comprehensive legal support throughout the transaction process, from due diligence to contract finalization, ensuring the protection of our clients’ interests.

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