
Data protection and security

Our legal group specializes in providing comprehensive legal services in the realm of data protection and security. We offer versatile legal guidance concerning privacy and data protection regulations, both at national and international levels, such as GDPR.

Our service encompasses advice on data protection compliance as well as representation in disputes related to data breaches. We assist companies in reviewing and developing data protection policies and procedures, conducting security audits, and providing employee training.

We understand the technical aspects of cybersecurity and are capable of advising clients on risk management and incident response planning. Whether you run a technology company or a business in a traditional sector, we are prepared to help safeguard data and interests.

  • GDPR Compliance Audit: We conduct comprehensive audits to assess companies’ compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We analyze the processes of data collection, processing, and storage, and implement appropriate procedures and policies to safeguard personal data.
  • Data Protection Policies and Procedures: We assist in developing data protection policies and procedures that meet GDPR requirements. We create documentation that incorporates best practices in data protection, risk management, and responding to data breach incidents.
  • Risk Assessment and Incident Management: We perform risk assessments related to personal data protection and develop incident management plans. In the event of a data breach, we offer incident response services, including tracking, notifying customers and regulatory authorities, and restoring data integrity.
  • Data Protection Training: We organize training sessions for employees on topics such as personal data protection, GDPR compliance, and secure data processing practices. We help raise employee awareness of data protection responsibilities and minimize the risks associated with data breaches.
  • Outsourcing Data Protection Officer (DPO): We provide outsourcing services for Data Protection Officer (DPO) for companies that lack the capacity to hire an internal DPO. Our team of experts offers support in data protection, compliance monitoring, training, and coordination of activities related to personal data protection.

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