
Digital Transformation and New Technologies

Our legal group offers comprehensive legal services for businesses embarking on the journey of digital transformation and implementing new technologies.

We understand the dynamics of the technological market and keep abreast of the latest trends to help our clients adapt to the evolving legal and technological landscape. We support companies in all aspects of the digital transformation process, from assessing technology compliance with the law, negotiating and preparing technological agreements, to providing risk management advice.

Our knowledge encompasses areas such as blockchain, AI, big data, cloud computing, and IoT. We also handle regulations related to data privacy and cybersecurity. We ensure that the businesses we assist are appropriately safeguarded and prepared for the challenges of the digital future.

  • Digital Transformation Advisory: We assist clients in planning and implementing the digital transformation of their organizations. We analyze their current business and technological processes, identify areas requiring optimization, provide advice on selecting suitable digital tools and technologies, and support them in implementing changes.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: We provide clients with advice on protecting their intellectual property in the context of new technologies. We assist in patent, trademark, and industrial design registration. We conduct legal analyses, negotiate licensing agreements, and support clients in enforcing their rights.
  • Technology Law and Regulations: We offer comprehensive legal advice related to new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), etc. We help clients understand and comply with regulations concerning personal data, privacy, data protection, cybersecurity, and other legal aspects related to new technologies.
  • Agreements Concerning New Technologies: We draft and negotiate agreements related to new technologies, such as software supply agreements, cloud services agreements, IT agreements, IT system maintenance agreements, etc. We provide comprehensive legal support in contract negotiations, risk analysis, and safeguards for our clients.
  • Compliance and Data Protection: We assist clients in meeting requirements related to personal data protection, privacy, information security, and regulations concerning new technologies. We provide compliance audits, develop data protection policies and procedures, offer advice on risk management, and guide clients in responding to data-related incidents.

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