

Our legal group is a leader in the field of FinTech law, providing specialized legal and business assistance to technology companies operating in the financial market. Our services encompass regulatory guidance, commercial transactions, intellectual property protection, and litigation support.

We are fully aware of the dynamic nature of the FinTech sector, which is why our legal assistance is consistently tailored to current market trends and evolving regulations. Our lawyers, who specialize in financial technology, aid clients in overcoming the legal and business challenges that arise during innovations in the financial market.

With our experience, we are capable of supporting FinTech startups as well as global financial corporations, offering services that cater to the unique needs of each company.

  • Legal Advisory in FinTech: We provide clients with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services related to technological innovations in the financial sector. We assist in the establishment and registration of FinTech companies, analyze and provide advice on regulatory matters, compliance with laws regarding electronic payments, blockchain, peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding, and other innovative financial solutions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We help FinTech clients ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. We advise in the process of obtaining necessary permits and licenses, develop compliance procedures, analyze risks, and align clients’ operations with regulatory demands. We offer comprehensive support in areas such as KYC/AML, personal data protection, cybersecurity, and other compliance aspects.
  • Partnership and Technology Agreements: We draft and negotiate partnership and technology agreements for FinTech clients. We assist in defining collaboration terms, safeguarding intellectual property, resolving disputes, and addressing distribution and technology licensing. Our team of lawyers specializes in the realm of technology agreements, ensuring that contracts are comprehensive, precise, and protective of clients’ interests.
  • Transaction and Data Security: We advise on transaction security and data protection matters in the FinTech sector. We aid in developing fraud prevention strategies, managing cyber risks, securing electronic payments, and implementing measures to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. We provide legal support in cases of data security breaches and cybersecurity incidents.
  • Transactions and Investments: We advise FinTech clients in investment transactions, mergers, acquisitions, and fundraising. We assist in investment agreement negotiations, due diligence, structuring transactions, and legal safeguards. We offer comprehensive legal support at every stage of the transaction process, safeguarding our clients’ interests.

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