

As specialists in the field of InsureTech, our legal group offers comprehensive legal services to assist technology companies in transforming the insurance world. The services we provide encompass a range of activities – from legal and regulatory advice to contract negotiation assistance and representing clients in legal disputes.

With our experience and deep understanding of the insurance sector, we help clients comprehend and adapt to the dynamics and regulations of the InsureTech market. Our lawyers assist in navigating intricate regulations while simultaneously providing innovative, risk-based legal solutions for InsureTech firms.

We cater to both startups and established organizations, tailoring our services to the individual needs and objectives of each company.

  • Legal Advisory in InsureTech: We provide clients with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services related to technological innovations in the insurance sector. We assist in the establishment and registration of InsureTech companies, analyze and provide advice on regulatory matters, compliance with laws regarding new business models, digital insurance solutions, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and other innovative technologies in the insurance industry.
  • Development of Insurance Contracts and Policies: We draft and negotiate insurance contracts, including policies, reinsurance agreements, agency agreements, and other documents related to insurance activities. Our team of lawyers specializes in creating comprehensive contracts that adhere to applicable legal regulations and protect the interests of InsureTech clients.
  • Compliance and Insurance Regulations: We help InsureTech clients ensure compliance with regulatory requirements concerning insurance activities. We provide advice in the process of obtaining necessary permits and licenses, analyze and align clients’ activities with regulatory demands, including aspects like personal data protection, financial safeguards, product compliance, and other compliance factors.
  • Data Protection and Cybersecurity: We advise on data protection and cybersecurity matters in the insurance industry. We aid in developing data protection policies and procedures, managing cyber risks, responding to incidents, and security breaches. Our team of lawyers specializes in topics related to GDPR, personal data protection, and technological safeguards.
  • Innovations in Insurance: We advise InsureTech clients on innovations and the implementation of new technological solutions in the insurance sector. We assist in negotiations with technology partners, draft licensing and cooperation agreements, analyze legal and regulatory aspects related to new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, telematics, and the Internet of Things.

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