
Payment Claims

Our group provides services in the field of debt collection, which encompass comprehensive legal services related to conducting proceedings regarding payment demands. Clients can rely on our experienced team of lawyers who effectively engage in debt recovery on behalf of the clients.

We offer professional support in the preparation and sending of payment reminders, negotiations with debtors, as well as initiating and conducting legal proceedings to recover debts. Our goal is the effective pursuit of debts and the protection of our clients’ interests.

  • Analysis and Preparation of Payment Reminders

We offer professional legal advice to assess the situation and prepare effective payment reminders, which constitute a formal request for the settlement of debts by the debtor.

  • Negotiations with Debtors

We represent our clients during negotiations with debtors to reach agreements regarding the repayment of debts. We aim to find compromise solutions and secure our clients’ interests.

  • Debt Recovery Proceedings

We conduct debt recovery proceedings on behalf of our clients, including initiating legal proceedings to recover debts. We provide comprehensive representation in court.

  • Enforcement by Bailiffs

We collaborate with bailiffs to carry out enforcement actions in cases where debtors fail to fulfill their obligation to repay debts. We provide professional support throughout the enforcement process.

  • Debt Collection Advisory

We offer legal advice regarding debt collection strategies, debt security, and risk minimization. We provide support in managing debts and optimizing debt collection processes.

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