
Real Estate

We specialize in real estate law, offering a wide range of services. With our assistance, the process of buying, selling, or renting property becomes simple and stress-free. We handle document analysis, contract preparation, and client representation before a notary, ensuring a smooth transaction.

Furthermore, we provide support in property-related disputes and assist with matters concerning mortgages and easements. Our aim is to ensure that our clients feel secure, knowing that all formalities are in line with the applicable law.

  • Legal Advisory for Real Estate Transactions

We provide comprehensive legal advisory services for property purchase, sale, and rental transactions. This includes contract analysis, negotiation of transaction terms, and client representation throughout the transaction process.

  • Drafting and Analysis of Real Estate Contracts

We assist in drafting and analyzing real estate contracts, such as purchase agreements, lease agreements, tenancy agreements, and others, ensuring legal compliance and protecting our clients’ interests.

  • Preparation of Transaction Documents

We offer assistance in preparing necessary documents related to real estate transactions, including notarial deeds, preliminary agreements, developer agreements, and other documents required in the transaction process.

  • Property Restitution

We offer legal and advisory support in property restitution processes, helping clients assert property rights, reclaim ownership, and seek compensation for lost property.

  • Real Estate Disputes

We represent clients in property-related disputes, including ownership disputes, inheritance dispute resolution, termination of property agreements, challenging administrative decisions related to properties, and other real estate law matters.

Related Capabilities

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Our Team

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