
Prenuptial agreements

We offer legal support in the field of marital agreements. We specialize in the preparation, analysis, and advisory services concerning prenuptial agreements, marital property agreements, as well as other forms of financial protection within marriage. Our professional assistance includes guidance on various legal options available to spouses, drafting agreements according to the client’s expectations, and representation before a notary.

We understand that each marriage is a unique bond, and we always strive to ensure that the proposed solutions are tailored to the individual needs and expectations of our clients. We guarantee discretion, commitment, and the highest standard of service, allowing you to focus on the joyful aspects of wedding preparations while leaving legal matters in the hands of experts.

  • Drafting Prenuptial Agreements

We assist clients in drafting prenuptial agreements that define the rights and responsibilities of spouses, property division, inheritance rules, as well as other financial and legal aspects related to marriage.

  • Modification of Marital Agreements

We provide support in the process of modifying marital agreements when there’s a need to change provisions related to property, financial obligations, or other marriage-related issues.

  • Legal Advice Regarding Marital Agreements

We offer clients professional legal advice regarding marital agreements, explaining the rights and responsibilities of spouses, discussing potential risks, and suggesting optimal solutions in line with their needs.

  • Analysis of Marital Agreements

We conduct analysis of existing marital agreements, assessing their compliance with applicable law, the completeness and adequacy of provisions, and suggest necessary amendments or additions in an informative manner.

  • Legal Representation in Marital Agreement Matters

We represent clients in disputes and proceedings related to marital agreements, ensuring professional representation and defense of their interests in court.

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