
Resolving issues for entrepreneurs

Our legal group offers comprehensive legal support for entrepreneurs, assisting them in solving the most complex business issues. We specialize in various fields of law, such as commercial law, labor law, tax law, and real estate law, allowing us to provide tailored solutions that cater to the individual needs of our clients.

Our work encompasses advising and representing clients in courts, administrative bodies, as well as negotiations and mediations. We operate proactively, helping our clients avoid potential problems and swiftly responding to emerging challenges with effective and efficient solutions.

We understand that every business is unique and requires an individualized approach. We guarantee professionalism, dedication, and a full understanding of the specifics of each case. We are here to help entrepreneurs achieve their business goals, safeguarding their interests and assisting them in their pursuit of success.

  • Legal Consultation for Entrepreneurs
    We provide clients with professional legal-business advisory services focused on addressing issues related to business operations. This includes discussing legal regulations, market functioning principles, and development strategies.
  • Legal Support in Commercial Disputes
    We represent clients in commercial disputes, such as disputes with contractors, suppliers, or customers. We ensure professional representation and defense of their interests in court or arbitration proceedings.
  • Creation of Contracts and Regulations
    We assist entrepreneurs in drafting commercial contracts, agreements with suppliers, employment contracts, as well as terms and policies. This comprehensive legal support safeguards their interests and minimizes the risk of disputes.
  • Debt Collection
    We offer debt collection services for entrepreneurs, aiming to recover overdue payments from debtors. This involves negotiation and, if necessary, pursuing legal or arbitration proceedings to retrieve owed funds.
  • Advice on Labor Law and Employment Regulations
    We provide entrepreneurs with legal advice regarding labor law, employment contracts, employment regulations, and data protection. We assist in creating personnel policies that align with applicable legal regulations.

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