
Startups and innovative enterprises

Our legal group specializes in providing comprehensive legal services for startups and innovative enterprises. We understand that developing innovative ideas and running a startup comes with unique challenges and requires specialized legal knowledge. Therefore, we offer our clients legal support tailored to their individual needs.

Our experienced lawyers have extensive knowledge in both business law and intellectual property law. We assist our clients from the very inception of their venture, starting from company registration and drafting of founders’ agreements, to comprehensive legal advice at later stages of development.

Our services for startups and innovative enterprises include:

  • Company formation: We advise our clients on choosing the appropriate legal form and assist them in the process of company registration. We help in preparing company agreements and shareholder agreements that are tailored to the unique needs of startups.
  • Financing: We assist our clients in obtaining financing for their startup development. We provide advice on raising venture capital, private equity, as well as on grants and subsidies.
  • Intellectual property protection: We support startups in protecting their innovative ideas and intellectual property. We assist in the registration of trademarks, patents, and industrial designs, and develop licensing and technology transfer agreements.
  • Contracts and negotiations: Our firm prepares and reviews various types of contracts, such as investment agreements, distribution agreements, partnership agreements, and supplier agreements. We also offer support in contract negotiations to protect our clients’ interests.
  • Compliance and regulations: We provide our clients with support on legal compliance issues, including regulatory rules and data protection. We assist in developing and implementing appropriate procedures and policies to ensure compliance with the law.

Our goal is to provide our clients with complete legal support, enabling them to focus on the development of their startups and innovative initiatives. Trust us to protect your interests and provide a solid legal foundation for the success of your venture.


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