
Corporate Division and Transformations

We offer comprehensive legal services in the field of corporate divisions and transformations. We support clients at every stage of the process, starting from strategic analysis, through the preparation of division or transformation plans, all the way to their execution.

We provide guidance in both corporate divisions, such as splitting or segregating parts of a business, and in transformations, including restructuring, mergers, or liquidations.

Our team consists of experienced lawyers who understand the intricacies of these processes and can deliver practical and effective solutions. We represent our clients before regulatory bodies and in interactions with shareholders.

Our goal is to ensure a secure, effective, and efficient realization of our clients’ business strategies. We guarantee professionalism, dedication, and a deep understanding of the specifics of each case, delivering top-quality legal assistance in the field of corporate divisions and transformations.

  • Legal advisory in corporate division processes: We provide clients with professional legal and business advice in the realm of corporate division processes, analyzing legal, organizational, and financial aspects to ensure a smooth and compliant execution of the division process.
  • Preparation of documentation and division agreements: We create comprehensive documentation and division agreements, taking into account details related to the division of assets, liabilities, intellectual property rights, and any other aspects associated with the division process.
  • Acquisition and transformation of companies: We offer legal support in the processes of company acquisition and transformation, including mergers, consolidations, changes of legal form, or organizational structure adjustments.
  • Legal aspects of corporate restructuring: We advise clients on corporate restructuring, including spin-offs, splits, changes in shareholding structures, or the transformation of partnerships into corporations.
  • Procedures related to registration and formalities: We assist clients in conducting all necessary registration procedures and formalities linked to corporate division processes, ensuring compliance with applicable legal regulations and registration authority requirements.

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