
Debt Recovery

We provide comprehensive services in the realm of debt collection disputes. We understand how crucial effective debt recovery is for a company’s financial fluidity. As such, we approach each assignment with complete dedication and determination.

We handle both judicial and extrajudicial debt collection, always striving to find the most efficient and cost-effective solutions for our clients. Our actions encompass legal situation analysis, strategy development, negotiation, and client representation in court.

With rich experience in this field, we are familiar with efficient debt recovery methods that enable swift and effective action. All of this is aimed at allowing our clients to focus on what matters most to them – running their business.

  • Debt Claims Analysis: We conduct a thorough analysis of the client’s debt claims, including examining documentation, contract terms, and legal regulations. We assess the chances of debt recovery and formulate a debt collection strategy.
  • Amicable Debt Collection: We take actions to recover debts through amicable means. We negotiate with the debtor, send reminders and payment demand letters, and explore alternative solutions such as installment payments or debt settlement negotiations.
  • Judicial Proceedings: If amicable debt collection does not yield results, we represent the client in judicial proceedings aimed at debt recovery. We prepare legal documents, present evidence and arguments in court, and act on behalf of the client throughout the entire legal process.
  • Enforcement by Enforcement Officers: Upon obtaining a court judgment ordering debt repayment, we initiate actions to enforce the debt. We collaborate with enforcement officers who take steps to recover the debt, such as bank account seizures or seizure of the debtor’s assets.
  • Debt Monitoring: We offer debt monitoring services, involving regular checks on the financial status of debtors and monitoring payment deadlines. This allows us to respond to potential payment delays and take appropriate debt collection actions.

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