

Our legal group offers comprehensive services related to franchise law. We specialize in providing guidance for both franchisees and franchisors. We assist in negotiating franchise agreements, conducting legal analysis of franchise business models, and representing clients in franchise-related disputes. Our team of specialized lawyers covers various legal fields, enabling us to effectively address issues related to operating a franchise business.

We understand that franchising involves more than just a contract; it’s a unique business relationship. Therefore, we provide practical and effective solutions that consider both legal and business aspects. Whether you’re a franchisee or a franchisor, our expertise allows us to navigate the complexities of franchise law to ensure a strong foundation for successful franchise ventures.

  • Franchise Consulting
    We provide clients with professional franchise consulting services, assisting in selecting the appropriate franchise system, analyzing franchise agreements, and evaluating conditions before entering a franchise.
  • Franchise Agreement Preparation
    We draft franchise agreements tailored to the individual needs of clients, taking into account key aspects such as parties’ obligations, intellectual property protection, franchise fees, and termination conditions.
  • Trademark Registration
    We assist in registering trademarks associated with the franchise system to ensure legal protection of the franchise and prevent infringements by other parties.
  • Legal Advice for Franchisees
    We offer legal advice to franchisees regarding franchise business operations, including legal protection, advertising procedures, franchise agreement management, and dispute resolution.
  • Mediation and Dispute Resolution
    We provide mediation and dispute resolution services related to franchise agreements, assisting in negotiations between parties and achieving agreements. In case of disputes, we lead arbitration or legal proceedings.

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