
Marketing and Advertising

Our legal group specializes in the legal aspects of marketing and advertising, offering comprehensive legal services to companies in these sectors. We support our clients across a wide range of matters, from creating advertising contracts, ensuring compliance with consumer protection and copyright regulations, to representing them in legal disputes.

We recognize that in the rapidly evolving marketing industry, understanding the business context and current trends is just as crucial as having a solid legal knowledge.

Therefore, our service goes beyond providing legal support; we also offer strategic advisory to help our clients achieve their business goals while minimizing legal risks. Our team is consistently engaged with the latest trends in marketing and advertising, enabling us to provide our clients with the most up-to-date and effective advice.

  • Legal Advisory in Marketing and Advertising: We provide comprehensive legal advisory services related to marketing and advertising regulations. We assist clients in understanding and complying with regulations pertaining to advertising law, promotions, competition, consumer protection, and other regulations related to marketing and advertising.
  • Preparation of Advertising Contracts: We draft and adapt advertising contracts, such as agency agreements, agreements with advertising service providers, sponsorship agreements, and marketing cooperation agreements. We offer support in contract negotiations and analyze their compliance with legal regulations.
  • Review of Advertising Materials: We offer services to review advertising materials for compliance with advertising and promotional law regulations. We examine advertising texts, advertising campaigns, websites, and other marketing materials to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and minimize the risk of legal violations.
  • Intellectual Property Protection in Advertising: We advise clients on protecting intellectual property rights in the context of advertising. We assist in securing trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs, and other forms of intellectual property used in advertising activities.
  • Resolution of Advertising Disputes: We represent clients in advertising disputes, including violations of competition law, unfair advertising practices, claims for damages due to deception or violations of advertising regulations. We provide support in mediation, negotiations, and proceedings before advertising authorities.

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