
Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

We specialize in the field of disputes related to data protection, which is extremely crucial in the current digital era. Our experts provide representation to clients in matters involving privacy breaches and personal data violations, assisting them in understanding and enforcing their rights appropriately.

Our team of specialists offers comprehensive support both during inspections conducted by regulatory authorities and in potential court disputes. We also provide advice on the proper processing of personal data to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. We continuously monitor changing regulations in this field to effectively safeguard our clients’ interests.

Our mission is to ensure the security of personal data and protect against potential infringements.

  • Compliance Audit: We conduct compliance audits with data protection regulations, analyzing the policies and procedures of the client and evaluating their compliance with the applicable laws, especially the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
  • Development of Policies and Procedures: We assist clients in developing policies and procedures for personal data protection that meet regulatory requirements. We create documentation related to personal data processing, including privacy notices, consents, and data processing agreements.
  • Legal Advisory: We provide clients with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services in the field of data protection. We assist in interpreting data protection laws, identifying risks associated with data processing, and implementing lawful solutions.
  • Employee Training: We organize training sessions for the client’s employees, raising awareness about data protection. We provide knowledge about applicable regulations and safe data processing practices, as well as ways to respond to incidents involving personal data.
  • Incident Response: We support clients in responding to incidents related to data protection, such as data breaches or information leaks. We assist in developing response plans, notifications to regulatory authorities and clients, and managing crisis situations.

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