
Family cases

Family law covers a broad spectrum of issues related to family, marriage, child custody, divorce, and other personal matters. We understand that family matters are often emotionally and personally significant, which is why we offer our clients an individual and sensitive approach, providing professional legal advice in this delicate area.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in family law and can advise on various family matters, including:

  • Divorce and separation: We assist our clients in divorce and separation processes. We provide comprehensive legal advice on property division, alimony, child custody, determination of parental authority, and other divorce-related issues.
  • Child custody and parental authority: We offer guidance on child custody and parental authority matters. We help establish conditions concerning child visitation, parenting decisions, and representation in court proceedings.
  • Child support and alimony: We provide support in matters related to child support and alimony for children and former spouses. We assist in negotiations, enforcing alimony claims, modifying support arrangements, and executing alimony obligations.
  • Marital agreements and prenuptial agreements: We offer advice on marital agreements and prenuptial agreements, which help regulate financial matters, inheritance, and other marital rights and obligations.
  • Mediation and alternative dispute resolution methods: We strive to promote alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and negotiations, as effective ways to resolve family conflicts. We provide professional support in these processes, aiming to reach agreements and resolve conflicts harmoniously and in the best interests of all parties involved.

Our goal is to provide our clients in family law with competent and empathetic legal service that considers their individual needs and seeks to achieve solutions that serve the best interests of the family. Trust us to provide support in challenging family matters and protect your rights and interests.


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The client approached us with a request to invalidate a will, which, in the client’s opinion, was made under the influence of coercion. During the process, we appointed experts in psychiatry and psychology, whose opinion helped us determine the probable state of the testator at the time of making the will. The court favored our arguments and invalidated the will.

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