
Crypto and Digital Assets

As experts in the field of crypto and digital assets, our legal group provides specialized legal services for all activities related to this domain. From legal advice concerning blockchain and cryptocurrency regulations to representing clients in disputes related to digital assets, our lawyers possess the necessary experience and skills to assist clients in navigating the rapidly changing world of digital technology.

We comprehend the challenges and opportunities that the cryptocurrency and digital assets sector brings forth, and we are prepared to aid our clients in both meeting legal requirements and utilizing these technologies to achieve their business goals. Whether you’re a blockchain startup, a technology company, or an investor, our lawyers can deliver strategic and practical legal advice tailored to your needs.

  • Legal Advisory in Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets: We provide clients with comprehensive legal and tax advisory services related to the use of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. We assist in the establishment and registration of companies related to cryptocurrencies, analyze and provide advice on regulatory matters, compliance with laws regarding Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), cryptocurrency trading, tokenization, and other aspects related to digital assets.
  • Regulatory Compliance: We help clients from the crypto and digital asset sector ensure compliance with regulations and legal provisions concerning cryptocurrencies and digital assets. We advise in the process of obtaining licenses and permits, develop compliance procedures, analyze risks, and align clients’ activities with regulatory requirements. We provide comprehensive support in areas like Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, financial regulations, and consumer protection.
  • Contracts Involving Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets: We draft and negotiate contracts related to cryptocurrencies and digital assets. We assist in creating ICO agreements, buying and selling cryptocurrency agreements, tokenization agreements, smart contracts, and other contracts associated with digital assets. We offer comprehensive analysis and advice regarding the legal aspects of crypto and digital asset contracts.
  • Security and Legal Protection: We advise clients from the crypto and digital asset sector in security and legal protection matters. We aid in securing digital assets against theft, fraud, and cyberattacks. We develop security policies and procedures, provide legal guidance on digital ownership, risk management, and responding to incidents related to digital assets.
  • Transactions and Investments in Digital Assets: We advise clients from the crypto and digital asset sector in purchase, sale, and investment transactions involving digital assets. We assist in negotiation of investment agreements, due diligence, legal safeguards, and risk analysis. Our team of lawyers specializes in transactions related to digital assets and provides comprehensive legal support at every stage of the investment process.

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